Survey Research Consultation

In addition to administering our own surveys, OADS supports the Georgetown University in its efforts to engage in survey research. This support includes consultation about survey design, administration, and analysis of results. We also help guide researchers through the survey approval process per our University Survey Policy.

Georgetown has a Qualtrics site-wide license available for use by all students, faculty, and staff. Please refer to the UIS Qualtrics site for steps on setting up an account. Resources for designing a survey questionnaire are available at LinkedIn Learning @ Georgetown .

Support for your survey is not guaranteed and is dependent upon the capacity of the office. In order to make sure that you get the support that you need, it is strongly recommended that you give yourself sufficient time to plan.

Email us ( if you are interested in collaborating, using the following questions as your guide:

  1. What are your research questions?
  2. What is your timeline? How might this conflict with other surveys?
  3. What is your target population?
  4. Do you plan to use incentives for participation?
  5. Who, specifically, will the results of the survey be shared with?
  6. Have you drafted an instrument, or will be using an existing instrument or questionnaire?