Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of participating in the online course evaluations for students?
This feedback is reviewed seriously by professors and administration. The information is used to make changes for future courses.
As a student, you can feel empowered to help design a courses educational process.
It allows instructors to ask for information most pertinent to them— including soliciting honest, anonymous criticism.
The evaluations go directly to the instructor.
How will the online course evaluation system protect student anonymity?
Course evaluations are administered independently throughout Georgetown’s Main Campus by the Office of Assessment and Decision Support. No identifying information is relayed in the aggregate reports OADS submit as to which students responded or who provided what feedback. All reports are entirely anonymous.
Course instructors receive reports which include student comments, while Department Administrators receive only quantitative summaries of the aggregate responses.
Can professors see my feedback before grades are submitted?
No. Evaluation results are not viewable to the faculty until the grades are submitted into the system. Once the system has determined that all grades for that class has been submitted, the system unlocked the results for the faculty member to view.
I missed the window the complete the survey, can I still take the survey?
No. Unfortunately, surveys cannot be reopened once a survey has been closed.
What should I do if I cannot finish the evaluation right now?
If you have started your evaluation and cannot finish it, the survey will save itself. However, please note that the survey will not submit itself. You must log back in and finish and submit the survey.
I keep getting reminders to complete my course evaluations. How can I get them to stop?
If you are receiving an email asking you to complete the survey and you already did, you may need to confirm that you’ve hit the ‘Submit’ button in the evaluation form. These reminders will stop when the system has recorded your submission.
How are evaluation results used?
Results from course evaluations are used throughout the university for many essential purposes. Faculty use evaluation results to edit teaching style, course materials and course structure. Departments and Deans use results in decisions regarding rank, tenure and promotion of faculty as well as program design and class offerings. Students use evaluation results during pre-registration and add/drop in selecting courses and instructors for the future or current semester.