Accessing Evaluation Reports
Reports from Past Terms
As Georgetown transitioned evaluation platforms in Summer 2022, the University migrated historic evaluation reports to secure Box folders. Reports for courses that ran after Spring 2022 may be found directly within Blue, while reports for courses that ran before Summer 2022 are stored in Box folders. For access to your confidential instructor folder, please email
The Office of Assessment and Decision Support (OADS) has persevered a 5-year archive of Course Evaluation Reports prior to the decommissioning of the CoursEval platform on August 31, 2022. OADS is able to furnish requests for individual reports (with student comments) going back to 2017, and quantitative summaries of past evaluation reports for all time. To request specific evaluation reports, contact
Reports for Current Terms
Reports release in Blue between 1-3 days after grades are submitted. Grades must be submitted for every student before the report releases, while even one ‘incomplete’ will prevent the report generation. Once created, a link is automatically emailed to your GU email and you may return to the report anytime directly from the bottom of your Blue homepage.